Trading and investment platform eToro disclosed on Thursday that it has partnered with Twitter to alert users with real-time prices for cryptocurrencies, equities, and other assets.
The trading data will be available via Twitter’s Cashtags feature, which was introduced in 2012 and allows users to interact with material centred on an asset by placing a dollar sign in front of the ticker.
Before now, Twitter users could examine real-time trading data from the markets-charting platform TradingView, but only on select assets such as the S&P 500 index and shares of specific firms such as Tesla.
However, they can now navigate to eToro’s platform to learn more about the asset and have the option to invest.
Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter for $44 billion in late October, he has been implementing a number of changes to the microblogging network, including the implementation of a membership model for verified users and mass layoffs.